
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Birth Plan

So *ahem*.


I haven't been updating my blog much now have I? *shoo! spidey shoo!*

Initially there were so many things that I wanted to share and update but since I can't update any photos to go with it, it wasn't any fun blogging. So...

I kinda stopped blogging. But in my defense, I was kinda tied up with a lot of things (and when I say a LOT, in the past few months a LOT have happened but I'm not going to share them, at least not yet).

Anyway, let's start the update =).

One of the things that kept me busy is my preparations for the upcoming birth of my first child. Yup, the Fashionista is pregnant and expecting her first baby and hopefully by the end of May, the baby will pop (to put it mildly) out of my womb (and I'm actually kinda excited about all this myself).

To get ready for birth (since I've never experienced one and all), I've decided to get help from the web and turn to sites like Babycenter, What to Expect and many more for help and advice. Some of my mommy friends have also lent a helping hand (and ear) and gave me plenty of maternity advice during my pregnancy. So (since I'm a newbie in all of this) and also learning from my friend Farhah (who's also a first time mom) sharing with me how confusing and dazed one can feel (especially when the contractions keep coming) how chaotic it can be in the delivery room, I've decided to come up with a birth plan. And here it is:

Fareiny’s Birth Plan

Please discuss with gynae prior to giving birth.

Birth Companion             :               Husband; Raden Chekra Muda

Positions for labor          :               Walking (if possible) before heavy contractions. Be upright for as long as possible prior to labor.

Aromatherapy                  :               Lavender aromatheraphy or essential oils (in the room but not in the delivery room) for relaxation prior to delivery.

Pain relief                           :               Relaxation and breathing techniques for as long as possible, then gas and air, followed by epidural (in that order).

Monitoring baby’s heart rate:    Intermittent monitoring is preferred.    

Delivery position             :               Standard. According to what is practiced at Normah Medical Centre.

Feeding the baby            :               Would consider breastfeeding first if there is milk after delivery but if not, then formula feeding. Please let me know first.

Cutting the cord               :               The doctor to cut the cord.

What happens next        :               Let me hold the baby after the doctor checks her.

Unexpected situations :               If emergency arises that makes it difficult/ impossible for me to give natural birth, please conduct a caesarian to deliver the baby.

Do bear in mind that I haven't discussed this in detail with the gynae yet and when I first mentioned to her about having a birth plan she was kinda against it because she said most pregnant moms don't even know what's going on during labor (especially for first time moms, to which I do agree with her) but I do feel that having a birth plan would make me (and hubs especially) better prepared for labor and I'd say it's better to be prepared than to arrive at the labor room clueless and all.

Let me know what you think =).

xoxo Soon-to-be Mommy Fashionista


  1. congratulations on being a (soon-to-be) mom! :))
    I really like your blog because it has recommendations on halal food in many travel destinations. I find it very helpful, so even though you haven't updated anything for months, i am very grateful to find your blog :)

    1. Thank you =). Am definitely glad that you like my blog
