Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Happy Birthday Melissa!!

I had the opportunity to join my girlfriends for a night of celebration; Melissa's pre-birthday celebration to be exact. The birthday venue, Magna Carta. Here's a photoblog of the event:

The menu. Oh, if you don't like the menu, you can order from next door Magenta (What? You thought I'd  say we wipe the blackboard clean and write our own menus?)

We ordered healthy food, well, initially anyway. 

Then came three plates of pizza; Peperoni, Hawaian and Garlic Chili. Seriously, trying to be healthy is not easy.

Marshmallows, melting in a cup of hot chocolate =). 

Well behaved-looking, aren't we? This is our official pre-birthday shoot, Sherry being represented by a blue party hat.

Make a wish!!! The birthday girl is super cute =).

Pat, cutting the cakes with absolute precision. 

Official post-candle-blowing shoot. 

I envy these two lovebirds *dreamy sigh*.

Mirror, mirror on the wall.. 

Who's the fairest of them all...

Who? I'm not the fairest of them all?

BFFs incorporated. 

Party hats r us. Good food, great people, what more can I ask for?

To friendship and even more birthdays. 

xoxo Mrs Fashionista

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Photography for Impact

Poster courtesy of Alvin Leong Academy

I was fortunate enough to join another photography course organized by Alvin Leong, and this time he brought Jason Ong of Masamichi Studio from Brunei as one of the speakers for the program. The talk is divided into two parts, first is Jason's session, talking on creating impactful photographs.

Here's a lil' bit of info on Jason.

Here's a slight recap of the program:

This is so true. Unfortunately some think that by having a DSLR camera elevates them to a professional photographer status, without knowing that it's the skills, knowledge and experience that really helps in making a good photo into a great photo. Some might disagree by saying they've gotten pretty awesome photos just by snapping to their hearts content, but I beg to differ. You might get lucky once or twice but that doesn't make you a good photographer.

So true! One of the things I've noticed about Steve Jobs presentations (i.e. introducing the iPhone, iPad etc) is that he doesn't overdo his designs (thus the uber simplistic design of the iPhone and iPad) and his presentation slides are always kept to the bare minimum. Photography is similar in that way. It's all about what is pleasing to the eye and clutter has never been popular. 

What is the difference between these two photos? Well, you'll have to attend the talk to know more =).

The one phrase that I'll remember most is when Jason said,

'Photography is a journey, not a destination'.

The second session is by Alvin himself, giving us an overview of the Hasselblad camera which is super-pricy by the way, and he also briefed us on what goes on behind a studio photo-shoot (which is very interesting to know; amazing studio photo-shoots is not the result of one but many).

The queue. People were excited to try out the Hasselblad (which is worth more than a Honda City, by the way). Spotted queuing in line is my pal from high school; hi there Noraini! Long-time-no-see =).

The mock studio set up on stage along with a very sexy model (who was freezing her a** off; the air-conditioning was on full blast and as you can see, the model had very little on her).

For Alvin's slot, he shared with us the importance of evaluating thyself. Something that I'd never have thought of. Definitely you evaluate the shots that you've taken, but have you ever evaluated yourself? Like the skills that you've acquired or the experience that you've gained? He even shared an equation (and here I was thinking that photography would have nothing to do with Math):

Good Portrait = Lighting + Expression

Oh, that means the model's expression, not yours, unless you're the model. 

For those who missed the program, fret not, there'll be another 'Photography for Impact' course being held this 18th of February 2012 (Saturday), the only catch being it's going to be held in Brunei, instead Kuching City.

Poster courtesy of Digital Synergy

To taking better photographs and just being better.

xoxo Mrs Fashionista

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Understanding Other Religions - Part 1

So there I was last year coming to the Islamic Information Centre in Kuching for a course entitled 'Friendly Comparative Religion' on which I had absolutely no idea what I was getting myself into.

This time around, I rejoined the same program (as a refresher course), knowing exactly what I had gotten myself into, and the only difference, the program had changed its name to 'Understanding Other Religions' but the content is still more or less the same.

And here's Brother Shah.

This program is taught by Shah Kirit, a Muslim preacher and advocator from Saba Islamic Media. The program aims to share with its participants on the similarities that Islam has with other religions and it also aims to enhance the participants' knowledge on Islam. It's a two day program which packs in information not only on Islam, but also on other religions like Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism etc. 

The best part is, the more you know of other religions, you become even more aware of your own; meaning, learning of other religions does not mean that you'll be converting to that religion, it is just a learning process for you to appreciate your own. However, make sure you're learning from the right person. Because if you're learning from the wrong person.. Well, let me just put it this way, you wouldn't want to learn how to fix your car from a chef, right? 

Let me share with you one of the things that I learnt from this program (caution: the following part of this blog is very religious in nature):

Embryology, the formation of the human baby inside a mother's womb:

If it says missing plug-in the video is on YouTube. Click [here].

The formation of the human baby is cited in the Quran in the verses of:

76: 2 Indeed, We created man from a sperm-drop mixture that We may try him; and We made him hearing and seeing. (Surah Al-Insan: verse 2).

75: 37 - 39 Had he not been a sperm from semen emitted? Then he was a clinging clot, and [Allah] created [his form] and proportioned [him]. And made of him two mates, the male and the female.

23: 14 Then We made the sperm into a clot of congealed blood; then of that clot We made a (foetus) lump; then we made out of that lump bones and clothed the bones with flesh; then we developed out of it another creature. So blessed be Allah, the best to create! (Surah Al-Mukminun: verse 14)

Sayings from the Prophet as narrated by Abdullah bin Masoud:
"The creation of each one of you is composed in the mother's womb in forty days, in that (creation) it turns into such a clot, then in that turns in such a mudgha and then Allah sends an angel and orders him to write four things, i.e. his provision, his age, and whether he will be of the wretched or the blessed (in the Hereafter). Then the soul is breathed into him. And by Allah, a person among you (or a man) may do deeds of the people of the Fire till there is only a cubit or an arm-breadth distance between him and the Fire, but then that writing (which Allah has ordered the angel to write) precedes, and he does the deeds of the people of Paradise and enters it; and a man may do the deeds of the people of Paradise till there is only a cubit or two between him and Paradise, and then that writing precedes and he does the deeds of the people of Fire and enters it." (Sahih by Muslim)

Interested in this program? Here's the schedule:

It's actually a four-part program, so to graduate (i.e. complete the program) you have to attend all four parts. Those who would like to know more can contact the IIC. Their webpage is [here] or you can always visit their Facebook page [here].

Here's me and hubs with Brother Shah:

Oh, by the way, Brother Shah is one of the recipient for Maulidur Rasul Award 2012. Congratulations and keep up the good work!

To learning and being better. 

xoxo Mrs Fashionista

Malay Wedding: Congratulations to Airweckie & Muhd Bond

Me and hubs went to the wedding of Afzan Zarina and Zulyazril Fazli (their names are a mouthful, I must say) better known as Airweckie and Bond (now that's easier to pronounce) at Dewan Hikmah this morning along with my brother Aziz (who is Airweckie's ex-colleague and current Architecture course mate at UiTM). 

The wedding is a first for the Zaidi family and I must say, it's an absolutely beautiful wedding (I shed a few tears when the sisters gave a speech to the newly wedded couple on behalf of the family). And here are a few photos taken from the wedding:

The name of the bride and groom greeted us when we entered the hall =). 

Wedding dais by Muluk. Color theme of the wedding, white, peach and yellow. Simple wedding dais, but then again, less is more =).

Pillars of white, yellow and pale pink roses decorating the walkway leading up to the wedding dais.

The beautiful Zaidi sisters in plum (or Sarawakians would call the color engkodok, hihi!) leading the wedding procession. Looking absolutely lovely, ladies!

The newly married couple looking stunning in concrete gray (the groom) and soft peach (the bride) accompanied by these absolutely adorable (and looking slightly cheeky) sisters. 

Pals of the bride. They flew all the way from Semenanjung to attend this wedding. 

Acoustic performance. Superb band!

The gorgeous couple on the wedding dais, all smiles. Don't you think the bride absolutely radiates happiness?

The crowd.

Scrumptious food. 

And the drinks.

Spotted at the wedding:

Aelma (elder sister to Airweckie), Faizah (love the way she styled her shawl) and yours truly.

Mok (Imelda Harris's aunt) and family.

My bro Aziz and his fiancĂ©, Izah. 

Oh, here's me and hubs. Photo taken by Aziz. Thanks, bro!

Izah and friend. 

Yours truly managing to get a quick photo with the newly weds. Don't you think the bride looks stunning? Congratulations dear!! 

Congratulations to the Zaidi family on another addition to their family. It was an absolutely beautiful wedding *dreamy sigh*. I love weddings, it's a celebration of two people who are in love, and don't we just love happy endings? Oh well, this is not the ending, but it's a beautiful beginning; the start of their marriage, and let's look forward to an amazing journey of getting to grow old with the love of your life *hugs*. 

To love, wedding and celebrations. 

xoxo Mrs Fashionista

Saturday, February 11, 2012

What's in a Tumi?

A what? I know what you're thinking. I've never heard of Tumi either. I was recently given a Tumi and being the snoop that I am, I decided to google Tumi. Like, seriously. Have you ever heard of such a brand? And no offense to the giver, I totally love your gift, but I'd love it more if I knew what sort of brand it is (though you must be rolling your eyes right now, but I bet you'd do the same thing). 

Tumi is apparently an American manufacturer of bags and suitcases and the best part is, Tumi incorporates a unique metal 20-digit registration number in all its bags, which customers can register with the Tumi Tracer just in case we lose our bags. How cool is that? And even cooler, check out these people who's been seen with Tumi, I'm sure you'll recognize a few faces (photos courtesy of Tumi's Facebook page):

Hullo Mr. Pitt =)

Mr. and Mrs. Cruise.

Miss Diaz. Love the hair, by the way =)

Whoa, even Mr. President?

These two might not be so recognizable underneath those huge aviator glasses, they're the Olsen twins =)

Am absolutely glad to be a part of the Tumi family and here's my Tumi: 

Laptop bag pack. This is going to look so cool on me. Thank you soooo much for the unanticipated gift!!

Large Tote Bag, which is going to be hanging on my arms very, very soon *happy sigh*.

Complete with a warranty (the first time ever I've had a warranty for a handbag, and this shows just how confident Tumi is on the quality of their product), Tumi Tracer and Experience Tumi handbook.

And a Consumer Services Manual. These people really have a very good after sales service, I must say. 

I'm glad that I snooped around =). Now I'm even more appreciative of my handbag. People, you should do that, seriously, you'd take better care of your handbag if you do *satisfied grin*.

Oh, I almost forgot, Tumi also has a Facebook page, just in case you might want to check it out. Click [here] for the page. 

To handbags and more handbags. 

xoxo Mrs Fashionista