Sunday, May 15, 2011

Fashionista's Book Review: SNDROM

I recently bought a book written by Saiful Nang, one of Malaysia's most prominent photographer, initially with the thought of contemplating on whether I should or should not go serious about my photography. I've been clicking and snapping to my heart's content for about a year now. The thought of going pro (i.e. going for training, courses and enrolling in WPPM) have flitted through my mind once or twice but the thought of committing to photography is daunting. So, I decided, what better way for me to make the decision by consulting the pros and Saiful is certainly one of them.

This is how the book looks like, so make sure you get the original =)

The book, priced at RM80 is definitely cheap. And for those of you who dare say that the book is expensive is certainly a cheapskate. So, why do I dare to say that it's cheap? Well, the book simply tells you A to Z on photography, and the photography business. It chronicles his journey in photography from before he started (i.e. telling us a lil' bit on his background and where he came from) to how he started and how he got to where he is now.

I got me an autograph by the author himself

I must admit, the book is a real eye-opener to me. What surprised me the most is to discover how fast he's risen to where he is now (he's only been in the business since 2004 so you do the math), and the many trials and adversaries that he has faced along the way. And the best part is, the book gives me the motivation to do better and to give the best. What I really love about the book is how frank he is on a lot of things, how he shares so many tips on photography that I wonder why newbies in photography are not taking the opportunity to grab the book, pronto!

Managed to catch up and personally ask him on the charity organization that he supports, Rumah Pengasih Warga Prihatin

So, why did I say the book is cheap? For one thing, you get the first-hand knowledge and exposure of at least 6 years worth of experience in photography from Saiful Nang. Not only that, he also shares his trade secrets (what those are, I will not tell, cause it would be best if you read it for yourself). And another thing, you get to learn from his mistakes, so that you don't repeat them!

To top it up, you'll also be lending a hand to charity as all profits from the book will be channeled to Rumah Pengasih Warga Prihatin, a charity organization that is supported by Saiful Nang. To know more about the organization, you can check out their stuff at

Personally, I'd have to say that I truly enjoyed the book. Saiful has a flair for writing. He certainly is up front about who he is in the book. And if you're interested on getting a copy, you can contact the people at candidsyndrome via or via Saiful's fan page at

Happy reading peeps!

xoxo Fashionista in Action xoxo

p/s: The book is written in Malay, just in case you didn't know =P

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