I initially wanted to post photos of the happenings during Eid-ul-Fitr but then I thought, why not do something different? These are snapshots of our family photo shoot on the 3rd Syawal, right before our open house.
First step, calling all family members to the proposed location (which incidentally is our very own living room).
As you can see, the biscuits and cakes are on full display, it is the 3rd Syawal after all and we were in the midst of preparing for our open house. As usual, for any photo shoot, the kids would never sit still so photographers have to act fast in order to avoid any sudden movements that will result in blurry photos.
After a couple of minutes (and post touch up and make up) family members start to gather around the sofa.
Just in case you're wondering, opposite of the sofa is a huge mounted mirror that can be used to check your appearance while you pose.
Next step, aligning and positioning family members.
Voila! All are in position (except for me, just in case you haven't noticed).
And this is our final photo, slightly cropped to omit the air-conditioning unit. I have to admit, the photo is slightly imbalanced, if you look at the curtains and the sofa and the seating arrangement and there's a slight opening of the curtains. But yes, this is the photo for our family for Raya 2012 (psst: all the other photos involved blurred heads so I have to make do with this one).
Hope you had a blessed Eid-ul-Fitr =).
xoxo Mrs Fashionista