(Source: email forwarded by a fellow Toastmaster friend)
Happy New Year!
Even before midnight my phone, Facebook page and Twitter was already full with New Year wishes and postings on thousands of wants, wishes and apologies for any wrongdoings made in 2011. For me, I decided on a simple new year wish to everyone, having yet unable to decided on my new year resolutions yet and also the path that I want to undertake this coming year. It's kinda difficult to keep promises that you make on a whim and then wonder why haven't you kept up with your resolutions. So for the coming year of the Dragon, I aim to:
1. Be healthy. Meaning: Get a 15-minute workout at least 3 times a week. Year after year I've vowed to lose weight but to no avail. This year, no more losing weight resolution. Just plain old simple exercising for health benefits. I've seen fellow friends and colleagues get high blood pressure and diabetes, and even die of heart attacks and it's scary. So, as I do not want to emulate bad juju (aka vibes) I have to start creating good juju.
2. Have a better spending habit. What I've noticed is that my worst purchases have always been impulse spending. You know, impulsively buying a top/ dress/ pants and only wearing it once then finding that it looks absolutely horrible on you. This year, I've made a resolution to make quality purchases and not quantity. I will buy, but I will buy what I think is the best for me. And I resolve to stop my impulse purchases starting from this year on.
This morning I made my first purchase for the year. I've been eyeing it for more than a year (an extremely long time *sigh*) but unfortunately as a person who chooses to cover her hair (and there are certain times that I do not, I know, so sue me) , I've had doubts on whether I should, or should not make that purchase. And finally, they've made an offer that I cannot refuse. And the offer is only for today! Lets see if you'd like the offer. This is the promotion:
A Sereni & Shentel hairband promotion. Valid only for today.
A few of my gal pals are fans of Sereni & Shentel and I am too. However, I haven't dared to get an S&S of my own because I haven't really thought on how to best wear them. I know you'd be thinking headbands, worn on the head lah *duh*. But the problem is, I was thinking about wearing them over my shawl. And after some serious contemplation, discussion with fellow girlfriends and even trying it out in front of my fellow gal pals at Rock Paper Scissors. And finally, I did it! I made the purchase at around 11 this morning and I can't wait for my S&S headbands to reach me. Will update pics once I've gotten them =).
3. Prioritize. I have a serious problem of overcommitment. This time around, I will not overcommit. I will practice the act of non-committing to any event/ task/ duty until I am really, really sure that I can deliver. Otherwise, I will always remain unfashionably late at everything *oh bugger*.
I think, three's good enough for me. Remember, my resolution this year is focusing on quality not quantity. As my dad would always remind me when I was younger, "If you want to do something, do it well. Otherwise, don't do it at all."
Have a great year ahead peeps!
xo Mrs Fashionista