Friday, June 11, 2010

One Down, a few more to go!

OBE's over!!! Yeay! No, make that a BIG YEAY! So, one of my tasks is complete. The OBE/ SCL workshop had just finished an hour ago. As that one is one of my major task this week (and although today is Friday and the working days are over already for this week) I still have a few major tasks to complete. Now, let's see what those tasks are:
1. Final Exam paper for the next semester (only managed to complete Question 1 and Question 2(a))
2. Research Report (about 75% complete)
3. OBE/ SCL workshop report (I'll finish that in a jiffy)
4. Self Review Portfolio (I'll do that starting Monday)
5. Book to visit Hong Kong University and The Chinese University of Hong Kong for our benchmarking trip in July (I'll get to that soon)

Gosh, seems like there's lots more to be done. I really am swamped this week. What more Nikki's waiting for me to explore the joys of snapping photographs (be patient Nikki, I'll learn soon enough). So have a great weekend peeps! Looks like I'll be spending most of it in the office this weekend.


xoxo Fashionista in Action xoxo

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