Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Fashionista is now a Consultant

The first week of the year is not even over and I am already hired as a consultant! Seriously, I'd never thought that this opportunity would come so soon (this coming year of the Dragon is going to be so exciting). But I am not one to reject a golden opportunity such as this. So, here's the details:

I've been assigned a job to turnaround a company. What company? I am not at liberty to say (for this moment) but you will guess soon enough as I will be posting the adverts of the company on my blog.

Time period: 3 months (i.e. January until March 2012).
Target: Increase in turnover and customer base by at least a two-fold.

My plan, to turnaround, restructure and rebrand the business (all in the three-month period).

Achievable? I'd say, why not? Let's see what will happen after 3 months.

To a brand new year and brand new challenges.

xo Mrs Fashionista

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